Illustrated English: Graphic Narrative Activities and Templates, English 8-12 (version 01) **

Please note this is a supplementary resource.

Illustrated English is a series of blackline masters where poems, stories, and other narratives are created in a graphic novel format. For example, a poem is created in a graphic format. The focus is on visual story telling. There are suggestions within the product on how these graphic narratives can be used. This resource offers teachers a collection of graphic images to photocopy and distribute to students to help them meet IRP outcomes dealing with visual devices.

** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

** If you have access to ShareEdBC, please check for this item there.

QP Stock Number: 7540005615
Ministry Reference: 7540005615
In Stock: Available (Print-On-Demand, non-returnable)
Units of Issue: EA
Category: OS Publications
Price: $15.55EA